
date:2024-05-06 04:56:25 人气:23



Dingdongtogel 请问Idiot Stupid dumb 的用法有什么不同
对我而言没啥不同,都是骂人的词……Idiot白痴 、dumb 蠢蛋 非要整点区别的话就是这两个是名词,Idiot不能乱用,dumb在很熟的同学亲人之间也有使用,就比如我们朋友之间说的“你个傻蛋”,不太熟的别乱用 而Stupid笨
笨蛋 donkey ignoramus 笨蛋 ben dan 1.[Abusive] a fool; an idiot; a simpleton; a dullard; a moron; a foolish fellow; a stupid fellow; a silly fool; a wooden head 笨蛋 fool idiot ass slob 笨 stupid
愚蠢用英语是stupid; foolish; silly。解释:stupid 英[ˈstju:pɪd] 美[ˈstu:pɪd]adj. 愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的; 晕眩的,昏迷不醒的;n. <口>傻子,笨蛋;[例句]I'll never
nwcEtTuBrute 获得“绝望匕首”(近战对手-10士气) nwcExcalibur 将当前整张地图的状态保存为位图“entire_map.bmp”(无阴影) nwcNibelungenlied 获得“强烈否定指环” nwcTristram 获得十字军 nwcLancelot 获得冠军骑士 nwcStMichael 获得
英雄无敌1, 2, 3, 4的所有密码
nwcEtTuBrute - dagger_of_despair 绝望匕首。让我们先从童话里走出来,这是历史事件。Et Tu Brute是一句拉丁语,游侠小卢一定很熟悉。凯撒遇刺的时候,曾愤怒地抵抗,然而当他发现在要刺杀他的人中,竟然有马可.布鲁图,他的私生子(传闻如
★ 狂兽人 / Brute 制造费用:500 武器装备:Big hands 必要建筑:兵营 尤里的反坦克步兵单位就是狂兽人,一种由基因突变工程做出的怪兽,目的是破坏所有挡在他面前的物品。狗会避开狂兽人且不会攻击他们。 ★ 尤里X / Yuri Prime (此
地下城:嗜杀者Brute 作为一个在战斗中无畏的战士,这个指挥官能够激发他或她指挥的部队的嗜血欲望。在战斗结束之后,他会指挥部队收集尸体,因为在黑暗发臭的地下城里经常需要大量的新鲜血肉。灵魂改变 – 把50%战斗经验转化
Imbrute Imein Dargor Immolator (Fin) Immortal Souls Impaled Nazarene Imperanon Impious Havoc Impish Imposed Silence In Memorial In My Veins In Silentio Noctis Incarnate (Fin) Incendium (Fin) Incise Incriminated Incrost In
Romeo Juliet summary
Casca stabs Caesar in the back of his neck, and the others follow in stabbing him; Brutus last. Caesar famously says at this point, Et tu, Brute?. This translates to "Even you, Brutus?". The conspirat
a miracle has taken place / This greedy brute, this louces ear,is loved by people everywhere,for who could hate or bare a grudge against a luscious peace of fudge?Violet Beauregarde歌词:Oompa Loompa:Listen


多用campare to 1 模板一:Nowadays, the influence of ___proves to be profound. And there has been a very controversial debate as to ___. People in favor of A always provide the following evidence

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多用campare to 1 模板一:Nowadays, the influence of ___proves to be profound. And there has been a very controversial debate as to ___. People in favor of A always provide the following evidence

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nowadays 现今;现在compete 竞争;对抗chance 机会;机遇host 主办国(或城市、机构);主人。举办,主办;做主人招待beginning 开头,开端whether 是否gold 金,金子。金色的medal 奖章;勋章badly 差;很,非常;严重的able 能够;有能力Review of

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nowadays 现今;现在compete 竞争;对抗chance 机会;机遇host 主办国(或城市、机构);主人。举办,主办;做主人招待beginning 开头,开端whether 是否gold 金,金子。金色的medal 奖章;勋章badly 差;很,非常;严重的able 能够;有能力Review of

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Nowadays, plays an important part in Like everything else, has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows Firstly, Besides Most important of all .

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Nowadays, plays an important part in Like everything else, has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows Firstly, Besides Most important of all .

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Nowadays ,there are more and more XX in some big cities . It is estimated that ( 1 ). Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides,(

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Nowadays ,there are more and more XX in some big cities . It is estimated that ( 1 ). Why have there been so many XX ? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is that ( 2 ) .Besides,(

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Nowadays, you can take a trip in a DUKW in central London, on the aptly named Duck Tours. On a tour you'll drive past famous London landmarks like Big Ben, the London Eye and Trafalgar Square before dramatically

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Nowadays, you can take a trip in a DUKW in central London, on the aptly named Duck Tours. On a tour you'll drive past famous London landmarks like Big Ben, the London Eye and Trafalgar Square before dramatically

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